Ordinary remedies

An appeal is typically brought by the defendant seeking to overturn the judgment of the court of the first instance.
In some cases, the options for appeal are more limited. For example, against a judgment where the court has approved a plea bargain. It also depends on the person bringing the appeal. The public prosecutor and the defendant have the broadest possibilities, while the party concerned (who can only argue that the sentence on seizure of the property or seizure of part of the property was incorrect) or the aggrieved person who has made a claim for compensation for damages or non-pecuniary damage or for unjust enrichment (who can argue that the sentence on compensation for damages or non-pecuniary damage in money or for unjust enrichment was incorrect) have more limited possibilities.
The appeal shall be filed at the court, the judgment of which it contests, within eight days from the service of the copy of the judgment.