
Criminal offence

Economic criminal offences 

Regulation in the Criminal Code 

Economic criminal offences against are covered in the Criminal Code in its Special Part, specifically in Chapter VI. This chapter is divided into four parts as follows:

Part 1 Criminal offences against currency and payment instruments

Part 2 Tax, fee, and foreign exchange criminal offences

Part 3 Criminal offences against binding rules of the market economy and the circulation of goods in dealings with foreign countries

Part 4 Criminal offences against industrial property rights and copyright

Individual crimes

The Criminal Code regulates the following criminal offences within the aforementioned group:

Part 1 Criminal offences against currency and payment instruments (Section 240 - 247)

Counterfeiting and altering money (Section 233)

Unauthorized obtaining, counterfeiting, and altering of a payment instrument (Section 234)

Circulating counterfeit and altered money (Section 235)

Manufacturing and possession of counterfeiting tools and devices for unauthorized obtaining of a payment instrument (Section 236)

Unauthorized production of money (Section 237)

General provision (Section 238)

Endangering the circulation of domestic money (Section 239)

Part 2 Tax, fee, and foreign exchange criminal offences (Section 240 - 247)

Tax, fee and similar obligatory payment evasion (Section 240)

Failure to pay tax, social security contributions, and similar obligatory payment (Section 241)

Special provision on effective regret (Section 242)

Breach of information duty in tax proceedings (Section 243)

Breach of regulations on labels and other objects used for labeling goods (Section 244)

Counterfeiting and alteration of items used for labeling goods for tax purposes and items proving fulfillment of fee duty (Section 245)

Counterfeiting and alteration of stamps (Section 246)

Endangering the foreign exchange economy (Section 247)

Part 3 Criminal offences against binding rules of the market economy and the circulation of goods in dealings with foreign countries (Section 248 - 267)

Breach of regulations on rules of economic competition (Section 248)

Special provision on effective regret (Section 248a)

Unauthorized issuance of a security (Section 249)

Manipulation with the price of investment instruments (Section 250)

Unauthorized business activity (Section 251)

Unauthorized operation of gambling (Section 252)

Consumer detriment (Section 253)

Distortion of data on business management and assets (Section 254)

Misuse of information in business relations (Section 255)

Abuse of position in business relations (Section 255a)

Arranging an advantage in public procurement, public competition, and public auction (Section 256)

Collusion in public procurement and public competition (Section 257)

Collusion in public auction (Section 258)

Issuing false certificate and report (Section 259)

Harming the financial interests of the European Union (Section 260)

Breach of regulations on the circulation of goods in dealings with foreign countries (Section 261)

Violation of regulations on the export control of dual-use goods and technologies (Section 262)

Breach of duties in connection with the export of dual-use goods and technologies (Section 263)

Distortion of data and failure to keep records regarding the export of dual-use goods and technologies (Section 264)

Conducting foreign trade with military material without authorization or license (Section 265)

Breach of duties in connection with the issuance of authorization and license for foreign trade with military material (Section 266)

Distortion of data and failure to keep records regarding foreign trade with military material (Section 267)

Part Criminal offences against industrial property rights and copyright (Section 268 - 271)

Infringement of trademark rights and other designations (Section 268)

Infringement of protected industrial rights (Section 269)

Infringement of copyright, related rights, and database rights (Section 270)

Counterfeiting and imitation of works of fine art (Section 271)

Typical economic criminal offences

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