
Criminal offence

Most common criminal offences

Definition of a criminal offence

Criminal offenses are defined in the special part of the Criminal Code, which is divided into so-called chapters, consisting of sections that are further subdivided into subsections. There are 13 chapters:

  1. Criminal offences against life and health (Section 140-167)
  2. Criminal offences against freedom and the right to personal protection, privacy, and confidentiality of correspondence (Section 168-184)
  3. Criminal offences against human dignity in the sexual sphere (Section 185-193b)
  4. Criminal offences against the family and children (Section 194-204)
  5. Criminal offences against property (Section 205-232)
  6. Economical criminal offences (Section 233-271)
  7. Generally dangerous criminal offences (Section 272-292)
  8. Criminal offences against the environment (Section 293-308)
  9. Criminal offences against the Czech Republic, foreign states, and international organizations (Section 309-322)
  10. Criminal offences against public order (Section 323-368)
  11. Criminal offences against military duty (Section 369-374)
  12. Military criminal offences (Section 375-399)
  13. Criminal offences against humanity, peace crimes, and war crimes (Section 400-418)

The number of committed crimes is not evenly distributed across these categories. Some offenses are significantly more common than others.

Typical criminal offence

It is not surprising that property crimes are the most common type of criminal offense, constituting about half of all reported offenses over the long term. Economic and violent crimes also represent significant proportions.

This website provides detailed information on some of the most frequently occurring criminal offenses.

Typical criminal offences against life and health

Serious bodily harm
Bodily harm
Bodily harm due to excusable motive
Serious bodily harm due to negligence
Bodily harm due to negligence

Typical criminal offences against freedem and the right to personal protection, privacy and confidentality of correspondence 

Restriction of personal freedem

Typical criminal offences against human dignity in the sexual sphere

Sexual abuse

Typical criminal offences against property

Insurance fraud
Credit fraud
Subsidy fraud

Typical economic criminal offences

Tax, fee and similar obligatory payment evasion
Breach of competition rules
Unauthorized business activity
Arranging an advantage in public procurement, public competition and public auction
Collusion in public procurement and public competition
Harming the financial interests of the European Union
Breach of trademark and other designation rights
Breach of industrial property rights
Breach of copyright, related rights and database rights

Typical generally dangerous criminal offences

General endangerment
General endangerment due to negligence
Endangerment under the influence of a psychoactive substance
Illegal production and handling of narcotic and psychotropic substances and poisons
Possession of narcotic and psychotropic substances and poisons
Illegal cultivation of plants containing narcotic or psychotropic substances

Typical criminal offences against public order

False accusation
False testimony and false expert opinion
Obstruction of justice
Dangerous threat
Dangerous stalking
Disorderly conduct

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